BT Moto (23-24) BMW S1000RR Stage 1+ Performance Calibration With Handheld Tuner BTM-S1KS1-23
BT Moto (23-24) BMW S1000RR Stage 1+ Performance Calibration With Handheld Tuner BTM-S1KS1-23 est en rupture de stock et sera expédié dès qu’il sera de retour en stock.
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आपके ऑर्डर के डिलीवर होने के 30 दिनों के भीतर रिटर्न प्रक्रिया शुरू की जानी चाहिए।
आपको RMA फॉर्म के साथ एक ईमेल प्राप्त होगा। कृपया अपने RMA को प्रोसेस करने के लिए 24 से 48 घंटे का समय दें।
रिटर्न शिपिंग लागत पूरी तरह से तभी कवर की जाती है जब हमारी तरफ से कोई त्रुटि हुई हो।
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय रिटर्न ग्राहक की जिम्मेदारी है, हम आपको शिपिंग की लागत वापस कर देंगे (केवल अगर हमारी तरफ से कोई त्रुटि हुई हो।) जब आइटम हमारे स्थान पर अच्छी स्थिति में पहुंचेगा और हमारा आपूर्तिकर्ता रिटर्न को मंजूरी देगा।
- अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ऑर्डर के लिए, जो ग्राहक पैकेज को अस्वीकार करते हैं, उन्हें मूल शिपिंग लागत के लिए रिफंड नहीं मिलेगा। इसके अतिरिक्त, हमारे द्वारा लगाए गए किसी भी रिटर्न शिपिंग शुल्क को ग्राहक के रिफंड से काट लिया जाएगा
- टायर वापसी के लिए पात्र नहीं हैं।
- इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स वापसी के लिए पात्र नहीं हैं।
कृपया ध्यान दें: यदि आपका पार्ट आगमन पर क्षतिग्रस्त है, तो उस पार्ट को इंस्टॉल न करें, पहले हमारे रिटर्न विभाग से संपर्क करें। हम किसी भी ऐसे पार्ट की वारंटी नहीं दे सकते हैं जिसे शारीरिक क्षति के कारण इंस्टॉल किया गया हो।
हम सभी जानते हैं कि दुर्घटनाएँ हो सकती हैं। यदि आपका उत्पाद दोषपूर्ण, क्षतिग्रस्त या गलत तरीके से आता है, तो कृपया जल्द से जल्द हमारे ग्राहक सेवा विभाग से संपर्क करें। 305-859-1215
कृपया पार्ट का उपयोग या इंस्टॉल करने का प्रयास न करें! हम आपको एक प्रतिस्थापन पार्ट भेजेंगे और दोषपूर्ण पार्ट को वापस करने के लिए आपको प्रीपेड रिटर्न लेबल प्रदान करेंगे। उत्पाद हमें 30 दिनों के भीतर वापस कर दिए जाने चाहिए।
यदि शिपिंग कूरियर ने क्षति का कारण बनाया है, तो हम कूरियर द्वारा क्षति उठाने का शेड्यूल करेंगे।
वारंटी दावे रिटर्न के समान नहीं हैं।
उन्हें अलग तरीके से संभाला जाता है।
आपको आपूर्तिकर्ता या निर्माता से सीधे संपर्क करना होगा और उन्हें चित्र या कोई भी जानकारी भेजनी होगी जो उन्हें आपके वाहन के मॉडल वर्ष जैसी चाहिए ताकि वे आपके दावे को स्वीकृत कर सकें।
किसी ऑर्डर में गुम या क्षतिग्रस्त वस्तुओं के लिए दावे आपके ऑर्डर की डिलीवरी के 48 घंटों के भीतर किए जाने चाहिए।
किसी भी नए आइटम को मूल बॉक्स/पैकेजिंग में वापस किया जाना चाहिए, जिसमें शील्ड पर स्टैटिक गार्ड, विक्रेता हैंग टैग, बैग, हार्डवेयर इत्यादि शामिल हैं। सभी हार्डवेयर मूल पैकेजिंग में होने चाहिए और बिना खोले होने चाहिए। आइटम को फिर से स्टॉक करने योग्य स्थिति में होना चाहिए
कृपया ध्यान दें कि यदि माल वापसी नीति की आवश्यकताओं को पूरा नहीं करता है, तो हम धनवापसी या विनिमय से इनकार करने का अधिकार सुरक्षित रखते हैं।
विनिमय प्रक्रिया
उत्पाद का आदान-प्रदान करने के लिए आप 2 तरीके अपना सकते हैं:
विकल्प 1 (धीमा) - जिस भाग को आप बदलना चाहते हैं, उसके लिए RMA का अनुरोध करने के लिए मानक वापसी प्रक्रिया का उपयोग करें। अपने अनुरोध में कृपया वह सटीक आइटम निर्दिष्ट करें जिसे आप बदलना चाहते हैं। आपके लौटाए गए उत्पाद की प्राप्ति के बाद हम विनिमय प्रक्रिया करेंगे और नया भाग भेजेंगे। यदि कीमत में अंतर है, तो आपको या तो धनवापसी की जाएगी या अंतर का शुल्क लिया जाएगा।
विकल्प 2 (तेज़) - नया भाग ऑनलाइन या फ़ोन पर ऑर्डर करें ताकि इसे तुरंत आपके पास भेजा जा सके। फिर जिस भाग को आप वापस करना चाहते हैं, उसके लिए मानक वापसी प्रक्रिया का उपयोग करके RMA का अनुरोध करें। पार्ट वापस करने पर तुरंत रिफ़ंड जारी किया जाएगा।
रिफ़ंड और क्रेडिट
जब हम आपकी वापसी स्वीकार कर लेंगे, तो आपको उसी भुगतान विधि के ज़रिए रिफ़ंड जारी किया जाएगा जिसका इस्तेमाल आपने मूल रूप से ऑर्डर देने के लिए किया था (क्रेडिट कार्ड, PayPal)।
रिफ़ंड की राशि मूल खरीद मूल्य में से शिपिंग शुल्क घटाकर बनाई जाएगी, जहाँ लागू हो।
आपको वापसी की रसीद और आपके क्रेडिट की पुष्टि करने वाला एक ईमेल भेजा जाएगा। कृपया अपने खाते में क्रेडिट दिखाई देने के लिए 2-5 व्यावसायिक दिनों का समय दें।
हम किसी भी परिस्थिति में कोई भी श्रम शुल्क या स्थापना शुल्क वापस नहीं करेंगे।
हम स्थापना के दौरान या सीमा शुल्क निरीक्षण जैसे उत्पाद के किसी अन्य उपयोग के दौरान होने वाले किसी भी नुकसान के लिए प्रतिपूर्ति की पेशकश भी नहीं करेंगे।
The return process must be initiated within 30 days of your order being delivered.
You will receive an email with an RMA form attached. Please allow 24 to 48 hours for processing your RMA.
Return shipping cost is fully covered ONLY If there was an error on our end.
International returns is Customer responsibility, we will refund you the cost of shipping (ONLY If there was an error on our end.)when item will arrive in our location in good contusions and our supplier approve the return.
-For international orders, customers who refuse the package will not receive a refund for the original shipping cost. Additionally, any return shipping fees incurred by us will be deducted from the customer's refund
-Tires are not eligible for return.
-Electronics are not eligible for return.
We all know that accidents can happen. If your product(s) arrive defective, damaged, or simply incorrect, please contact our customer service department as soon as possible. 305-859-1215
Please do not attempt to use or install the part! We will send you a replacement part and provide you with a prepaid return label to return the defective part. Product(s) must be returned to us within 30 days.
If a shipping courier caused the damage, we will schedule a damage pick up by the courier.
Warranty claims are not the same as returns.
They are handled differently.
You will need contact directly with Supplier or Manufactures and send them pictures or any information that they need like model year of your vehicle so they can approve your claim.
Claims for missing or damaged items in an order must be placed within 48 hours of delivery of your order.
Any new items must be returned in the original box/packaging including static guards on shields, vendor hang tags, bags, hardware, etc. All hardware must be in original packaging and unopened. Items must be in restockable condition
Please note that we reserve the right to deny refund or exchange if the merchandise does not meet the Return Policy requirements.
Exchange Procedure
There are 2 ways you can go about exchanging a product:
Option 1 (Slower) – Use the standard return procedure to request an RMA for the part you need exchanged. In your request please specify the exact item(s) you would like to exchange. Upon receipt of your returned product we will process an exchange and ship the new part. If there is difference in price, you will be either refunded or charged the difference.
Option 2 (Faster) – Order the new part online or over the phone so it can be shipped to you right away. Then request an RMA using a standard Return Procedure for the part you would like to return. Upon return of the part a refund will be issued promptly.
Refunds & Credits
After we accept your return, you will be issued a refund via the same payment method as you had originally used to place the order (Credit Card, PayPal).
The refund amount will be composed of the original purchase price minus shipping charges where applicable.
You will be sent an email confirming receipt of the return and your credit. Please allow from 2-5 business days for the credit to appear on your account.
We will not refund any labor charges or installation fees under any conditions.
We will also not offer reimbursement for any damage acquired during installation or any other use of a product like customs inspections.
Click here for important emission definitions and regulatory compliance and warranty information.
Delivery and Shipping
Delivery and Shipping
Pour les clients américains, nous proposons 3 options d'expédition :
Livraison gratuite pour les commandes supérieures à 69 $. Cette option d'expédition prend 5 à 8 jours ouvrables.
Économie pour les petites commandes (moins de 1 lb) 6,99 $
Cette option d'expédition prend 5 à 8 jours ouvrables.
Expédition standard (FedEx / UPS) pour toutes les commandes 9,99 $
Cette option d'expédition prend 1 à 5 jours ouvrables.
*La plupart des pots d'échappement Arrow sont expédiés directement depuis l'entrepôt italien !
Ils arrivent généralement dans notre magasin dans un délai de 1 à 2 semaines, puis nous vous les expédions immédiatement !
*La plupart des pots d'échappement M4 et Empire En raison du volume élevé des ventes, le délai de livraison peut aller jusqu'à 5 à 20 jours ouvrables avant l'expédition.
Nous ne sommes actuellement pas en mesure de proposer une expédition garantie de nuit ou de 2 jours.
Cela est dû au fait que les entrepôts de la plupart de nos fournisseurs n'expédient que par voie terrestre.
Les produits sont expédiés depuis notre usine de Miami ou livrés directement depuis nos fournisseurs
Les commandes passées avant 11h CST sont généralement expédiées le jour même.
La plupart des commandes passées après cette heure seront expédiées les jours ouvrables suivants.
Si vous avez des demandes ou des besoins d'expédition spécifiques, veuillez nous contacter à avant d'acheter et nous ferons de notre mieux pour vous aider.
Si un article est en rupture de stock auprès du fabricant, nous vous en informerons. Pour votre information, nous n'aimons pas plus que vous que cela se produise.
Nous essaierons de vous aider du mieux que nous pouvons avec les commandes en souffrance
UN NUMÉRO DE SUIVI vous sera envoyé par e-mail ou par SMS après l'achat.
LA LIVRAISON STANDARD GRATUITE sur les commandes de plus de 69 $ est disponible dans tous les 48 États américains inférieurs, les adresses APO et Porto Rico via USPS ou UPS. (*Des exceptions s'appliquent pour l'Alaska et Hawaï.)
La livraison standard gratuite signifie que nous sélectionnerons une option qui vous permettra d'obtenir vos pièces le plus rapidement possible tout en restant à un prix économique.
Nous nous réservons le droit de refuser la livraison gratuite pour quelque raison que ce soit.
À propos des précommandes :
Lorsque vous commandez en PRÉCOMMANDE, cela signifie que vous pouvez l'acheter avant la date de sortie officielle et qu'ensuite, vous n'attendez plus que l'expédition. En général, les précommandes prennent entre 1 et 6 semaines selon la marque et le produit.
Contactez-nous lors de la commande ou nous vous contacterons pour discuter des tarifs et des délais.
NOUS LIVRONS DANS LE MONDE ENTIER Les tarifs d'expédition en dehors des États-Unis sont basés sur la destination et le poids.
Canada, Union européenne et Porto Rico Expédition rapide avec DHL Prepaid Customs/Taxes (DDP)
* Pays où nous ne percevons pas de taxes ou de droits de douane à votre charge.
Veuillez noter que nous ne sommes pas en mesure d'expédier des articles surdimensionnés tels que des pneus, des batteries et des huiles à l'international.
Pour ces articles, nous proposons l'expédition de fret par camion lourd (LTL).
Veuillez noter que les frais d'expédition LTL peuvent varier et dépasser le montant estimé au moment du paiement.
Nous vous contacterons pour confirmation avant de traiter votre commande.
Si vous avez des questions sur ces frais ou droits, contactez-nous avant de commander et nous pourrons vous aider.
-Pour les commandes internationales, les clients qui refusent le colis ne recevront pas de remboursement pour les frais d'expédition d'origine. De plus, tous les frais d'expédition de retour encourus par nous seront déduits du remboursement du client
-Les pneus ne sont pas éligibles au retour.
-Les appareils électroniques ne sont pas éligibles au retour.
Plus d'informations sur la politique de retour ici
Les délais de livraison pour les envois internationaux sont généralement de 5 à 9 jours ouvrables, mais cela peut varier en fonction des procédures douanières de votre pays.
Les commandes retardées par les douanes ne sont pas quelque chose que nous pouvons contrôler ou modifier.
TOUTES les commandes internationales (y compris le CANADA, la Californie et Porto Rico) doivent être expédiées depuis notre emplacement à Miami en Floride.
La plupart des commandes internationales ne peuvent pas être expédiées directement depuis les entrepôts des fournisseurs (sauf pour certaines marques spécifiques)
Les pièces prennent généralement 2 à 7 jours ouvrables pour arriver à notre entrepôt.
Une fois qu'elles sont arrivées, nous vous enverrons un numéro de suivi.
Le délai de livraison estimé affiché à la caisse commence une fois que la pièce est expédiée depuis notre entrepôt
Suivre ma commande
Veuillez noter que toutes les commandes seront facturées en dollars américains et que les taux de change fluctuent quotidiennement.
Nous acceptons les cartes de crédit Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, ApplePay, GooglePay et Discover et Paypal, ainsi que les cartes de débit portant un logo Visa ou Mastercard.
Aussi klarna Achetez maintenant et payez plus tard
Contactez-nous à si vous avez des questions.
For US customers, we offer 3 shipping options:
- Free shipping for orders over $69. This shipping option takes 5-8 business days.
- Economy for small orders (less than 1lbs) $6.99
- This shipping option takes 5-8 business days.
- Standard shipping (FedEx / UPS) for all orders $9.99
- This shipping option takes 1-5 business days.
*Most Arrow exhausts ship directly from Italian warehouse!
It typically arrives at our store within 1-2 weeks, and then we'll ship it out to you right away!
*Most of M4 and Empire exhausts Due to high volume of sales, lead time could be up to 5-20 business days before shipping.
We are currently unable to offer overnight or 2-day guaranteed shipping .
This is because the warehouses of most of our suppliers only ship Ground.
Products ship from our Miami facility or drop ship direct from our Suppliers
Orders placed before 11am CST are typically will send the same day.
Most orders placed after that time are will send the following business days.
If you have specific shipping requests or needs please contact us at prior to purchasing and we will do our best to assist you.
If an item is back ordered from the manufacturer you will be notified by us. FYI – We don’t like it when this happens any more than you do.
We will try and help as best we can with back orders
A TRACKING NUMBER will be send to you via email or text after purchasing .
FREE STANDARD SHIPPING on orders over $69 is available in all US lower 48 states, APO addresses, and Puerto Rico via USPS or UPS. (*Exceptions apply for Alaska and Hawaii.)
Free standard shipping means we will select an option that gets you your parts as soon as possible while still being economically priced.
We reserve the right to deny free shipping for any reason.
About pre-orders:
When you order PRE-ORDER it means that you can purchase it before the official release date and then, you just wait for the shipping Usually pre-orders takes from 1-6 weeks depending the brand and the product.
Contact us when ordering or we will contact you to go over rates and times.
WE SHIP WORLDWIDE Shipping rates outside the US are based upon destination and weight.
Canada ,European Union and Puerto Rico Fast shipping with DHL Prepaid Customs/Taxes (DDP)
- * Countries we don't collect tax or duties required pay by you.
Please note that we are unable to ship oversized items such as tires, batteries, and oils internationally.
For these items, we offer Large Truck Load (LTL) freight shipping.
Please be aware that LTL shipping costs may vary and exceed the estimated amount at checkout.
We will contact you for confirmation before processing your order.
If you have questions about these fees or duties contact us prior to ordering and we can assist you.
-For international orders, customers who refuse the package will not receive a refund for the original shipping cost. Additionally, any return shipping fees incurred by us will be deducted from the customer's refund
-Tires are not eligible for return.
-Electronics are not eligible for return.
More for Return policy here
Delivery times for international shipments are typically 5 to 9 business days, but this can vary depending on your country’s customs procedures.
Orders delayed by customs are not something we can control or change.
ALL international orders (Includes CANADA ,California and Puerto Rico) needed to be ship from our location in Miami Florida.
Most of International orders cannot drop ship from supplier's warehouses(Except on some specific Brands)
Parts typically take 2-7 business days to arrive at our warehouse.
Once they're in, we'll send you a tracking number.
The estimated delivery time shown at checkout begins once the part is shipped from our warehouse
Please take note that all orders will be charged in USD dollars, and exchange rates fluctuate daily.
We accept Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, ApplePay,GooglePay, and Discover credit cards and Paypal , as well as debit cards with a Visa or Mastercard logo.
Also klarna Buy now and pay later
Contact us at if you have any questions.
Click here for important emission definitions and regulatory compliance and warranty information.
The 23-24 BMW S1000RR is the best new motorcycle on the market! While the bike is incredible all around, the US and European model S1000RR's have been restricted from the factory not allowing you to unleash the full potential right off the dealer lot. The US models have worse restrictions than its European counterpart but either will benefit tremendously from our Stage 1 ECU calibration. Our Stage 1 mapping was developed to remove these restrictions and unlock your BMW S1000RR’s full potential, the post-tuning changes on the 23-24 BMW S1000RR is the most astonishing out of any BMW to date - a must have modification to an otherwise perfect motorcycle. See why we have calibrated over 2000 23-24 BMW S1000RR's and growing!
We are obsessed with BMW motorcycles and it shows. Racers at the circuit tracks, the drag strips or even a commuter will appreciate the changes our Stage 1 tune brings. Thoroughly tested in all aspects by track racers, drag racers or just the casual street rider wanting a more exciting bike to ride, our Stage 1 makes the bike how it should have came from the factory, and then some. We purchase the motorcycles and fully disassemble, diagnosis, datalog and test for every aspects of increase performance and drivability while keeping fuel economy, emissions, and engine reliability at stock or better levels! Our growing YouTube Channel has highlighted a lot of these changes! We have kept these bikes in our personal fleet since 2010, innovating new features and working on feature requests along the way. The customer benefits from this process tremendously as things that bother the customer get brought to the forefront and fixed making for a more enjoyable riding experience. No one has more thorough research, into making these bikes more enjoyable than us, with a money back guarantee. Be sure to reference our in house youtube reviews and testing for before and after horsepower on horrible California 91 octane, before and after acceleration testing and drivability quirk fixes that we complete with a third party on all bikes. As a final sticking point, we send out all our calibrations to be tested by CARB for government emissions compliance and third party verification of before and after horsepower along with tailpipe emissions to get a certified EO number to be sold in California - 50 state legal - as the California year round riding and bike market is huge!
Drag racers have all the capability to de-restrict throttle, traction, and torque management to put all the power to the ground while managing wheel up behavior, allowing you to put the power down gear after gear without limitations. Because of our extensive factory ECU understanding and 100's of engine channels we've datalogged, we are able to adjust the motor far better then the competition who simply flatten fuel and and advance ignition spark blindly like in the 1990's. We are uniquely setup to use the tools granted to us with the factory ECU to activate custom code like full-time closed loop which utilizes factory sensors to "auto tune" the motorcycle at every throttle position without custom dyno mapping needed, adjust SOI (injector phase), rewrite spark maps per octane and address hidden torque maps to make sure the engine never holds back horsepower while not putting it outside its safety window. We also address additional safety functions to keep the engine alive in extreme environments beyond factory tolerances. We test best and worst possible fuels and optimize all of them to the best of our abilities. Years of experience have helped us squeeze every bit of power from the bike, while keeping it reliable and consistent. Be careful with others claiming more power as there is a delicate balance, forced ignition advance, deleted knock control, and lean air fuels are a short way to an expensive repair for 2HP gains.
Track racers can enjoy modified TC (traction control) settings, wheelie management, adjustments for different tire sizes, smoother throttle transitions/tip-in, consistent and predicable power. All this comes together to make sure you start and finish a turn to the best of the bikes capability. Working directly with MotoAmerica racers and regularly datalogging all of the fastest stock ECU BMW S1000RR riders has opened a window and drastically improved our mapping and knowledge-base to better help our customers perform properly on the track keeping you ahead of the pack.
For the casual rider, de-restricting the bike is the biggest advantage of our tuning. This makes the bike a blast to ride and gives the rider smile inducing power from simple modifications. Making sure the throttle is smooth when cruising and power brutal when you need it to be is important for all liter bike owners. Stop and go traffic or canyon carvings on the weekends is where we put our development bikes to the test as they need to ride in low speed situations as good as they work on the airstrip at wide open throttle. Hundreds of hours and miles go into our tuning and testing among several bikes, fuels and test riders before we ever release our product. We want to present the best product on the market while leading the pack in customer satisfaction. No one tests like we do!
- De-restricted Throttle +60HP gains in the midrange (lower gears), and +20WHP over the curve!
- De-restricted Exhaust Valve, open to 100% in certain riding scenarios for best sound and performance - no exhaust needed.
- Throttle response increased 12% in every race pro 1-3 mode to reach a target of 100% throttle. Road mode desensitized for highway cruising, normally jerky and twitchy.
- Cruise control jerkiness adjusted for highway cruising tip in and out.
- Top end Torque limiter of 75% raise to 100% free top end horsepower, 200WHP on a stock bike (BT Moto exclusive!) 170MPH limiter (due to torque) removed will go 190MPH GPS verified on stock sprockets on stock rev limiter, viewable in our review video.
- Revised fueling part to full throttle for maximum economy, throttle response, and performance targets utilizing 100 channel datalogging.
- Second and third gear transmission limiter removed for full wheelie control and roll race hole shot hit (BT Moto exclusive).
- Enhanced and restructured hard cut rev-limiter for less drama at the bikes limit.
- Top speed limiter removed (dash still stops at 192MPH for now but can GPS verify faster).
- Mapping available for all popular modification combinations.
- Heat Management through better fueling, and lower cooling fan strategy.
- A second and a half off your 60-130MPH time!
The purpose of this modification is to get a optimized factory like bike at its power capabilities with or without hard parts all while maintaining factory reliability and emissions standards if applicable to your state / country.
- THROTTLE RESTRICTION / TORQUE / GEAR LIMITATIONS - We give you the ability to utilize 100% of the throttle is paramount in track or racing situations where you need all the power you can get on demand. The factory file has "dead spots" that may cause the BMW S1000RR to behave in an unpredictable manner when corner exiting or hitting the throttle from a roll on. This also means any kind of straight line acceleration suffers especially in high RPM's. Gain 60hp in 2nd and 3rd gear, and 20HP in others! Incredible. We remove these factory restrictions to ensure a smooth and predicable throttle, all the way to redline, it's like getting a new engine, all over again! On the 2023 it's very difficult to do this properly and only BT Moto has figured out how to "fully" derestrict the 23-24 bikes through torque limits to achieve max power and 100% throttle when you need it. The competition still is getting limited throttle after 12k. With the "stock ECU" torque limiter in place the bike is slower then the 2010 BMW S1000RR!
- EXHAUST VALVE / INTAKE FLAP - The exhaust valve is a double edged sword. It does good by making back pressure when needed but also hinders the 2023 BMW S1000RR from making the most power possible at mid to upper RPM ranges. The valve closed makes the bike a lot more quiet than if it were open, even slip-on exhaust sounds almost the same as stock due to this valve closing so much. Opening this valve for racing use allows for some horsepower gains, as they are gear and RPM dependent, just like the butterfly valves for the throttle. Lower gears have a smaller valve opening which will reduce overall volume and power by 3-5HP, even in lower RPM’s. Our mapping still utilizes the stock exhaust valve to give you maximum power but also opens it up when you need it most. The intake valve is closed at certain RPM's from the factory, we open this fully to allow max airflow to the airbox at all times.
- FUELING - The 2023 BMW S1000RR fueling is rich for worldwide environment (desert) and longevity purposes, but we've found that it's overkill. It is also set artificially lean at idle, cruise, and warm up, which results in stalling and cold/hot start issues. The new BMW S1000RR is factory equipped with 5-wire widebands (just like the 2020+ S1000RR) and is very precise on targeting a specific AFR (Air/Fuel Ratio) through a closed loop corrective system from idle to redline. Being factory rich also helps it cool the "turtleshell" system for longest life and warranty free life. However, fuel can be trimmed safely for better result as it targets real time fuel corrections.
- IGNITION - On the 2023 we adjust per cylinder corrections for maximum engine performance and increased torque and horsepower via steady state dyno tuning and datalogging verification for all fuels. We also keep safety maps active incase of poor fuel. We do not overtime these engines blindly, as they do not respond well or make power from excessive ignition. What this means for the end user is automatic power increases with higher octane fuel in the bIke, without changing the map.
- HEAT MANAGEMENT - Lets face it, this bike rides a little on the hot side. Due to the new exhaust system and idle/cruise AFR mixtures the bike is a recipe to being constantly in the 215+F range and burning your legs while you ride, making it uncomfortable anywhere you’re not going 50+MPH. We have solved this issue by adding our low fan temp modification to this flash as a standard baseline feature along with different cruise mapping which has curbed temps extensively.